Minkowski structure metrics are well-suited to detect order in amorphous point patterns [bibcite key=mickel2013shortcomings].
For example, in this simulation of a granular gas in a shallow cell, an ordered cluster forms:

(Data by Thomas Schindler [bibcite key=schindler2019-granularness])
In projection, the the particles of the cluster form a hexagonal lattice. This kind of order is obvious in the order parameter, because all the normals of the Voronoi cells point into directions which are multiples of 60 degrees.
In a histogram, the growth of the cluster is evidenced by a growing peak at

The unordered background appears as the continuous part of this “spectrum”.
The shallow cell granular gas has a few more phases with different symmetries which can be analysed using other IMT order parameters such as [bibcite key=schindler2019-granularness].